Thursday, March 31, 2011

Images from last Sunday

Just a few quick shots from the first Sunday playing at Harrison Park.

TONIGHT! | Thursday Polo

It's Thursday... which means, Thursday Night Polo...

Still under the S-Curve. Lights come on at 7pm.

Extra mallets available to use, helmets are not required but HIGHLY recommended.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Let's try this again!

Casual Sunday Polo at our new location at Harrison Park.

After having to change locations last weekend due to rain, join us this Sunday, 3/27, to play our first games at our new location at Harrison Park!

The closest intersection to Harrison Park is Richmond and Muskegon and where we will be playing is just north of the school by the tennis courts. Click here for directions.

As always, mallets are available if your new and helmets are HIGHLY recommended.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thursday Polo

3/24 Thursday Polo.


Until it gets lighter out at night, we'll continue playing on Thursdays under the S-Curve because the lights come on at 8pm.

Extra mallets available to use, helmets are not required but HIGHLY recommended.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


!!! UPDATE 3/20!!!

There is a 80% chance of rain at 2pm than then moves onto 100% during the time frame we play. From the radar it doesn't look like it'll miss us. SO...


We are now going to play under the S-Curve. [1 Front Ave SW Grand Rapids, MI 49504]
_ _ _

!!! UPDATE 3/19 !!!

There is a 60% chance of rain for tomorrow.


the venue may change with the weather. I'll do my best to have updated with a decision by noon tomorrow. It is safe to assume that if it's raining, head to under the S-curve.

_ _ _

That's right, a new location. After meetings with the city, Harrison Park, next to Harrison Elementary near the intersection of Richmond and Muskegon is looking like it could be the new, permanent home to GR Bike Polo.

Come join us in breaking in the new court this SUNDAY at 2PM!

If you go to Google Maps, it is just north of the school by the tennis courts.

Helmets are not required by HIGHLY recommended. Extra mallets are available!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

February and March Meeting Notes

Because of our non-profit status and to continue to be intentional about fostering growth of bike polo here in Grand Rapids and the rest of Michigan we have begun to meet every 3rd Tuesday at Founders Brewery in their Taproom at 7pm.

The meetings do not go longer than 2 hours and serve not only as a way for us to discuss matters important to all things polo, it is a great time of community between fellow players. All are welcome. Email if you have questions about attending.

Below are the highlights and public notes from our February and March meetings. I apologize for the formatting, this will be corrected in future.
_ _ _

Grand Rapids Bike Polo Inc.
March Meeting Minutes

    • Alex Angus
    • Justin Daining
    • Matt Ruiter
    • Joshua McBryde
    • Casey Cronkright
    • Adam Lorenz
    • Jay Niewick
    • Bob Zeilstra

    • 7:25
    • Meeting begins.
    • Banking issues - Casey and Jay
    • 501c3/501c4 issues
    • Park meeting - Matt and Justin
    • Parks department is receptive to our requests.
    • Harrison elementary
    • Boards needed - weatherproof, temporary
    • Shared use with the school
    • Bike park
    • possibly get grant for paved lot
    • Sponsorship
    • Bikestock
    • Frasier insurance
    • Sports coverage policy
    • 25 players for about $500
    • Insurance
    • Statewide non-profit insurance policy? like Indiana

    • Upcoming Tournaments
    • Midwestern: Bloomington, IN - May 21,21
    • Matt, Alex, Bob; Josh?, Casey, Jay?
    • Lafayette, IN - first weekend of April

Play days
Sunday accomodating leisure day? 2 pm
Thursday game face 7pm
Tournament concierge?
how many games can be play in x hours
how is tournament structured

Action Items
Talk to founders about meeting rooms - Jay
Verbiage for city pamphlet - Justin
Indiana insurance company, policy, etc - Matt => Jay
lock down details and details of sponshorship - Josh McBride - Justin, Bob
Hockey Rink meeting - Matt and Jay were quite involved
Membership cards - alo
Bikestock tournament organization - Josh, Matt, Alo?

Next Meeting
Nail party at Dainings house - TBD

_ _ _

Grand Rapids Bike Polo Inc.
February Meeting Minutes
    • Attendees:
    • Justin Daining
    • Casey Cronkright
    • Alex Angus
    • Adam Lorenz
    • Matt Ruiter
    • Joshua McBryde
    • Jay Niewick
    • Bob Zeilstra
7:30 - Election of Board - Board Members as follow [one year commitment]

-President: Jay Niewiek
- Ambassador: Matt Ruiter
- Scrrribe: Bob Zeilstra
- Treasurer: Casey Cronkright
- Minister of Information: Adam Lorenz
- Board Member: Alex Angus
- Board Member: Justin Daining
- Board Member: Joshua McBryde

discussion of # of board members and club members, number of board members will be between 5 and 9, with the president acting as the decider for a tie-breaker vote
casey to get a non-profit banking
meetings shall be capped at 120 minutes
meetings third Tuesday of the month
Matt went to Parks and rec advisory board meeting last week. He described main goals, including establishing a permanent position to play. Positive and receptive of our mission
Meeting prospect in early march with director of advisory board.
Justin has acquired a large amount of wood, proposal for nail removal party.
Adam will be in contact regarding photos and write ups of polo whips.
Casey needs information from Matt for banking
membership dues, voting rights and membership, t-shirt sales are separate
shop discounts
conversation is tabled, number of sponsored members will be determined
probationary period for board membership to be brought up next meeting
Matt – parks department and outdoor hockey rink, group of people trying to make this happen. Matt is meeting with this person soon, and we should try to get on board with them. Who wants to go to this meeting with Matt?

Voting of board members
Organization updates (meeting day, duration, etc)
Parks & Rec
Matt’s meeting with board
Outdoor hockey rink group
Banking, donations, receipts

Action Items
- Banking information
- Sponsorship
- Hockey Rink meeting

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patricks Day Polo!


Under the S-Curve.


What better way to celebrate the holiday than on a bike... playing polo.

And you don't even have to wear green.

Sunday, March 6, 2011